LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Autism and Anxiety


Anxiety and Sensory Issues


George has sensory sensitivities and gets easily overwhelmed by sounds and visuals. George also has anxiety and is afraid of public restrooms. 


Anxiety and Your Routine


Now, let’s look at Sophia. Sophia feels anxious when there are changes in her life that she does not expect. She doesn’t like any surprises and gets frustrated when her schedule changes. This difficulty with change can be both related to anxiety and autism.


Now, let’s think more about how to create or adjust a plan of action for these two fears.

Adapting Your Plan of Action

  1. Carefully decide what the goal of your plan of action will be.
    • Your goal should be what you feel comfortable with and what you would like to achieve in your life. For example, if you are making a plan for anxiety that is related to being sensitive to sound, your goal for the plan of action could be being in loud situations like school assembly or public restrooms (like George) with the help of noise-cancelling headphones.
  2. Think about tools or supports that you can use to achieve your goal for the plan of action.
    • For example, if your plan of action is targeting fears of routine changes, you can discuss with your parent and include things that will help you achieve your goal. It could be something like setting an alarm that lets you know when you need to change to something new, your parent giving you early notice that things will change, or other warnings. Talk with your parent about what will make it easier for you to work on such a plan. It is important to let them know your opinions as they might not be able to know right away.
  3. Make the exposure activities in your plan of action even more gradual.
    • Get creative with the activities in your plan and make them as gradual as possible. This will help you get used to your fear more easily. For example, if you are afraid of fireworks and loud noises, one of your steps could be listening to sounds of fireworks on your phone or watching a video of fireworks instead of waiting for Fourth of July or New Years.
Next Page: Example Plans of Action