LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 11: Working on More Than One Mission Plan


Have you made a lot of progress on one fear and are ready to start taking on a new one? Do you have a new fear that became a bigger issue in the last few weeks? This module will help if you are ready to work on multiple mission plans.

Are you ready for a new mission plan?

Do you think you are ready for your next mission plan? Look at your mission plan goal. Is your mission plan helping you reach that goal? If you are still practicing steps on that plan, and you are getting closer to your goal, then keep it up! 
If you have already reached your mission plan goal, or another goal feels more important right now, it is okay to come up with a new mission plan now too! Talk with your parent about whether you want to start working on another mission plan. Here are some reasons to start a new mission plan:

  1. You cannot practice your current mission plan every day.
  2. You are having trouble moving to the next step in your mission plan. For this one, before starting a new one, see if you can figure out with your parent new steps you can take.
  3. You’ve reached your first mission plan goal.
  4. You have a new fear or anxiety that you want to work on right now. For example, maybe you want to work on your fear about making new friends because you are moving to a new school soon. 

There is no right or wrong answer, so choose what you and your parent think would be the best for you! If you and your parent decide you are ready to start working on a new mission plan, keep reading this module!

Making a Mission Plan

We are glad to hear that you are ready for a new mission plan! Just like you did for your first mission plan, you and your parent will work together to make a new mission plan. 
Here are the steps to create a mission plan. You will also see how Neil created his own mission plan:

  • Step 1: Choose the first fear that you will work on
  • Step 2: Choose a specific mission plan goal with your parent
  • Step 3: Brainstorm different steps for your mission plan
  • Step 4: Using the anxiety scale, give each activity a fear rating of 0-10
  • Step 5: Order the steps from least to most scary
  • Step 6: Choose a different reward or number of Brave Bucks for each step

On the next pages, you will go through each step with your parent. Fill out one of the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheets below as you work through each step.

Use this worksheet if you are writing out your answers: Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps
Use this worksheet if you are typing your answers on the computer: Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps

Next Page: Mission Plan Steps