Throughout each caregiver module, you will read information, watch videos, and complete worksheets and other activities. We recommend you complete one module each week and take time to practice the associated activities from that module throughout the week. The first seven modules will likely apply to any child or teen struggling with anxiety and should be completed in order, but Modules 8-11 may only apply to some kids. We have included some details at the beginning of each of those modules to help you decide if they will be helpful for you.
Module 1: About LUNA
Module 2: Identifying Anxiety and Staying Motivated
Module 3: The Avoidance Cycle and Quick Fixes
Module 4: Your Plan of Action
Module 5: Completing Your Plan of Action
Module 6: Coping with Anxiety
Module 7: Challenging Our Expectations
Module 8: Social Barriers and Social Skills
Module 9: When Anxiety Overlaps with Autism

Module 10: Managing More Than One Plan of Action