
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.

LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Specific Mission Plan Goal


Step 3: Select a Specific Mission Plan Goal


You have now selected a target fear for your mission plan. Next, you need to choose a specific mission plan goal. While a target fear is a more general fear, such as social anxiety and separation anxiety, your mission plan goal should be a specific behavior, activity, or ability that you want your child to do, such as “ask 3 questions in school in one day in front of the whole class.” Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a specific mission plan goal.
Your goal should be practical, but also represent conquering the selected fear or worry. Make sure your goal is measurable and specific enough so that you and your child know exactly what has to happen in order for the goal to be considered achieved.  Reference Week 1 for more tips on how to set a good goal.

Let’s take a look at what Neil’s mom and Sally’s mom came up with: 

Neil's Mission Plan Goal

Neil’s mom decided that their mission plan goal was for Neil to fall asleep without her in the room and with only a nightlight on for a full week (7 days in a row). 

Sally’s Mission Plan Goal

Sally has always wanted to be friends with Rita, a very nice girl from her class, and the rest of her friends. To tackle her target fear of social situations, Sally and her mom decide that a good goal would be to sit at lunch with Rita and talk to all of her friends. 

Select a Possible Goal for your Child's First Mission Plan 

In your child’s materials this week, they will have you write down a goal for their first mission plan (this is Step 2 for them). Work with your child to choose a specific, measurable, and practical goal that represents overcoming the selected fear/worry. Then write it down on the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheet below (you will also be using this worksheet to brainstorm possible mission plan steps on the next page).

Or create your own by filling out these prompts.

  • Mission Plan Goal
  • Possible Steps

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