LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 4: Your Plan of Action



As you saw in the video, using exposure activities to face your fears can be very helpful for overcoming anxiety. This is helpful because it allows you to get more familiar with your fears, build confidence in your ability to handle stressful emotions, and form new opinions about your fears. 

You will also get the opportunity to learn new things about your fears. For example, George is afraid of starting conversations with peers because he thinks they will make fun of him. One day, George faces his fear by introducing himself to a new student at school. By exposing himself to this fear, George learned that he actually didn’t get made fun of after starting a conversation, and instead, he made a new friend!

Remember the Avoidance Cycle we talked about in Module 3? Taking small steps to gradually face your fears and worries is what will help you break this cycle. To see how this happens, take a look at these Avoidance Cycle examples and watch how the cycle is broken. 

Even though exposure to your fears is helpful, it can also be difficult. This is why you will use a plan of action to face your fears gradually, step-by-step, until you reach the goal you decide upon.

Next Page: Making a Plan of Action