
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.

LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Supplemental Information for Autism: How Behaviors are Learned


Children may also exhibit challenging behaviors because of their experiences related to autism. For instance, an autisitc child may appear to be having a tantrum seemingly out of the blue, when really they might be having a hard time with a change in their typical daily routine. Let’s look to Sally for an example.

Recently, Sally’s mom has noticed that when she takes Sally to the park to play with other children, Sally will sometimes kick other children when they play too loudly or scream. As a result, the children run away from Sally and Sally’s mom takes her home. In this case, Sally’s challenging behaviors are related to her sensitivity to loud noises, which is related to autism.

Now, let’s break this example down using the ABC Model we learned about on the previous page.

A (Antecedent) 

At the park, some of the other children play too loudly or scream

B (Behavior) 

Sally kicks these children

C (Consequence)

The children run away from Sally and Sally's mom takes her home

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