LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)



Now, let’s think about your goals for LUNA. What are some things you would like to do after finishing LUNA? What are some things that you would like to do if you were not anxious? 

Here are some things that Sally and Neil want to able to do by the end of their journey.


Write down your goals here!


Let’s brainstorm what you would like to do by the end of your journey and write it down! Here are some tips for coming up with goals: 

  1. Your goals should be specific – “not being afraid” will not be specific enough to be a goal. Try to think about the things that currently make you anxious. For example, if you are afraid of being judged by other people, like Sally is, your goal could be “not being afraid of other people”.
  2. Your goals should be measurable – now that you made your goal specific, you need to make it measurable. Try to think about the things you can’t do right now because of your fear, but you would really like to do. For example, if you are currently not able to join a drama club because you are afraid others might judge you, but you really wish to join, your goal could be “Join a drama club”. 
  3. Your goals should be achievable – look back at your goal in number 2. Sometimes, we tend to set our goals too easy or too difficult. Goals that are too easy are not helpful, because you would be able to achieve them too quickly and it won’t give you enough time to learn the coping skills you would need in the future. Goals that are too hard are not helpful either, because it might take too long to achieve them and you could lose motivation along the way. Some goals might not be possible for anyone. For example, if your goal is to “not feel afraid ever,” that would not be realistic. It would also not be a good idea, because like we talked about earlier, sometimes feeling afraid does help you stay safe.  

Now it’s time to write down your goals using this Setting Goals worksheet. Setting goals is not an easy task! Your parent should help you decide on your goals to make them specific, measurable, and achievable. Also, remember that you can always be flexible. Later in the program, you will have a chance to tweak your goals to make them better.

You can create your own Setting Goals worksheet via this prompt: Consider what you would like to do by the time you finish the LUNA program. Then write down your goals below. Remember to set goals that are specific, measurable, and achievable! Talk with your parent to decide what goals you should work on and how to make them specific, measurable, and achievable.

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