LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Congratulations! | LUNA Teen Caregiver Module 7




Congratulations on finishing Module 7! This week, you learned how to help your child reflect after completing exposure activities. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. There are two thinking errors that generally cause anxiety: 
    1. Probability: Overestimating how likely it is that an unpleasant event will happen, and 
    2. Consequences: Overestimating how bad it will be if the unpleasant event does happen.
  2. Practicing exposure activities can help your child put unhelpful anxious thoughts to the test.
  3. Reflecting after each exposure activity will help your child gain a new perspective on their fears. 
  4. It is also important for you to reflect on you and your child’s progress in LUNA. 

Over the next week, remember to... 

  1. Keep helping your child practice the activities in their plan of action.  
  2. Make sure your child’s practices are being tracked in their Activity Log and focus on the last column of the log: “Did I learn anything new?”.
  3. Make sure to help your child reflect after their practices.  
  4. If your child is ready, create a new plan of action by referring to Module 4
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