LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 5: Completing Your Plan of Action


Welcome to the fifth module of LUNA! You and your child have worked together to create their first plan of action. Now, it’s time for your child to start practicing the activities in their plan. This week, you will learn how to help your child execute their plan and complete their exposure activities. Most of the remaining modules in LUNA will focus on helping you provide guidance and support as your child completes their plans. 

You will spend about 45 minutes – 1 hour reading, watching videos, and doing activities. Remember, your child will also have readings, videos, and worksheets to complete in their own modules, which can be done on their own or with your support. We know that the degree to which kids and parents engage in therapeutic skills predicts positive outcomes, so please try to make this a priority over the next week. 

Previously on LUNA...

In the last Module, you and your child learned how to make a Plan of Action. A plan of action is the method we use in LUNA to help your child overcome their fears by gradually facing them. To review, here are the steps for making a plan of action:

  1. Choose the anxiety/fear you want to tackle
  2. Choose a specific goal based on the anxiety/fear you chose
  3. Brainstorm different exposure activities (these activities will be the bulk of the plan)
  4. Give each exposure activity a rating using the anxiety intensity scale (0-10)
  5. Order the activities from least to most scary
  6. Choose a motivation booster OR number of points for each activity

Executing My Child's Plan of Action

Last week, your child developed a plan of action that contains exposure activities for them to complete. This week, you will learn more about how to help your child successfully carry out this plan.

Watch the video below to see how George is working on his plan of action for his fear of germs.


As you saw in the video, George’s mom supports him in multiple ways as he practices the exposure activities in his plan. For example, she…

  • Encourages George during exposure activities, challenging him to do something he normally avoids
  • Reminds George to stop using quick fixes, like washing his hands immediately after touching something he thinks is dirty
  • Celebrates with George after he completes an activity, even if it is difficult for him
  • Acknowledges and supports George’s anxious emotions while also building confidence in his ability to face those emotions
  • Discusses exposure activities with George before he completes them
  • Checks in with George after he completes an activity
  • Helps George receive motivation boosters as encouragement
Next Page: Practicing Exposure Activities