Congratulations! You just finished Module 7
Congratulations! You just finished the Module 7 material. This week, you have learned different ways to troubleshoot your child’s mission plan. Below are some summary points to take away:
- Watch out for fix-its. Your child might be doing something that makes them less anxious when doing their mission plan steps. Engaging in fix-its is not helpful in the long term!
- Notice ways you accommodate your child’s avoidance or fix-its. Every caregiver accommodates to some degree - it is the natural reaction to your child experiencing anxiety.
- Think about ways to reduce fix-its and accommodation during mission plans.
- It is important to maintain supportive communication while reducing accommodation.
- Helping your child go through mission plans is hard! Remember to be kind to yourself.
Over the next week:
- Keep practicing the steps in your child's first mission plan.
- Work with your child to identify fix-its they use and incorporate them into their mission plans. Use the Accommodation and Fix-Its worksheet to track the ways you accommodate your child’s fix-its, and keep this in mind during mission plan practice.
- Be mindful of how you communicate with your child during mission plan practice. Use support statements that show acceptance of your child’s emotional experience and confidence in their abilities to face their fears.