Congratulations! You have finished the fourth module of LUNA.

This week, we taught you how important it is to face your fears and worries, and how you can do this with a plan of action. Here are the steps to create a plan of action:
- Choose the fear, anxiety, or worry that you want to target.
- Choose a goal activity for your plan of action.
- Brainstorm different exposure activities for your plan of action.
- Using the anxiety intensity scale, give each activity a fear rating from 0-10.
- Order the activities from least to most scary.
- Choose a different motivation booster OR number of points to assign to each activity.
Over the next week, make sure you remember to:
- Put together your first plan of action with your parent by filling out the following worksheet: My Plan of Action worksheet.
- Start thinking about when you might be able to complete your plan of action activities.
In the next module, you will actually attempt your first plan of action and learn how to keep track of your progress.