
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.

LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Mission Plan Steps


Step 1: Choose the first fear that you will work on

Look at the Fear and Worries Checklist you created back in Module 1. With your parent, choose the target fear that you would like to work on. Then, write down your target fear on the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheet.

Step 2: Choose a specific mission plan goal with your parent

You just picked the next fear that you want to work on! Now, work with your parent to pick a specific mission plan goal. This will be a specific activity that you want to be able to do by the end of the mission plan, like “fall asleep with no lights on” or “ask 3 questions in school.” Then, write down your mission plan goal on the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheet.

Step 3: Brainstorm different steps for your mission plan

What are some steps between now and your mission plan goal? Try to come up with some super easy steps and then some tougher ones to get you closer to your goal. Read what Neil came up with to understand how this works:
Neil is afraid of the dark. He is afraid of sleeping in the dark by himself. Right now, he has five nightlights in his room. His goal is to be able to fall asleep by himself in the dark with one nightlight on. Neil and his mom thought about different ways that she could get used being in the dark. They thought about the time spent in the dark and whether Neil would be his mom or without his mom. 

As a reminder, this is what Neil and his mom came up with


Step 4: Using the anxiety scale, give each example a fear rating from 0-10


A 0 means that it does not scare you at all, and a 10 means that it is the scariest thing you could do. The numbers can be hard to think about for some people- you can also say “easy,” “medium,” or “hard” for each idea.


Step 5: Order the steps from least to most scary


Order each step from the things that give you least anxiety to most anxiety. Completing the step that gives you most anxiety should be your final goal!


Step 6: Choose a different reward or number of Brave Bucks for each step


The biggest reward should go with the highest anxiety (higher scores on the anxiety scale), and the smallest reward should go with the lowest anxiety (lower scores on the anxiety scale).


Create your Mission Plan


Congratulations! Now you have read all the steps you need to know to make another mission plan. Use this Mission Plan Planning Worksheet and come up with your own mission plan with your parent! Think about some ways that you can slowly get used to your own fear, give your anxiety ratings next to each step, order the steps and write down your rewards!

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