LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 1: About LUNA


Welcome! We are so excited to meet you. LUNA is a program that helps kids feel less nervous, worried, or scared. During your journey through this program, you will learn how to identify and change unhelpful anxious thoughts and behaviors. LUNA will help you achieve what you want to do, and we hope the skills you learn will help you for the rest of your life. 
One of the exciting things about this journey is that you are not alone! You will do some of the activities on your own, and some with your parent.
This week, we will introduce you to our program and tell you about anxiety. You will spend about 30 minutes reading and doing activities.

What is Anxiety?


As you can see, anxiety can be helpful. LUNA is about helping kids who feel anxious too much, when there is no real danger out there, or who feel anxiety really intensely.

Meet Sally and Neil!

Now, let’s meet Sally and Neil! Sally and Neil both want to go to space, but they have some fears that are getting in the way. Sally and Neil will have to work hard to overcome their fears and become brave astronauts to blast off into space!

In LUNA, you will follow along with them and work on your own fears so that you can achieve your own goals.


What will I do in LUNA?


In LUNA, you will learn how to manage your fears and become braver. 
You and your parent should try to complete one module each week. For each module:

  1. You will read and watch videos to help with your fears and anxiety.
  2. Your parent will read and watch videos to learn how to help you more with anxiety.
  3. You will work with your parent to do activities that will help you manage your fears.
  4. After each activity, you will practice what you learned – sometimes with your parent, sometimes on your own.
  5. You will discuss with your parent and receive a reward for practicing. You will learn more about the rewards in the next module. Stay tuned!

It’s very important to practice every week! Becoming less anxious is not easy and it can’t be done overnight. However, if you try your best and practice every week, you will be much braver at the end your journey.

Good luck! You can do this! 

Next Page: Knowing My Anxiety