Welcome to the sixth module of LUNA
This week, you will learn how to use coping skills to manage your anxiety. We will also give you detailed instructions for two specific skills:
1. Deep breathing
2. Grounding Practice
You will also continue practicing the activities in your plan of action while you practice your coping skills.
You will spend about 30 minutes – 1 hour reading, watching videos, and doing activities. You will also spend a couple of minutes every day this week practicing your coping skills.
Keep Practicing
Completing exposure activities in multiple different situations and in multiple different ways will help you overcome your anxiety and fear. George and Sophia know there are a lot more fears that they need to work on, so they have been thinking about what fears they will tackle next.
Using the Weekly Practice Plan worksheet, make another schedule for this week. If you would like to continue focusing on your first plan of action this week, great idea! Keep going! Look at your schedule from last week and think about how you can add more activities, change some, and try harder ones if you feel up to it.
If you feel you are ready to move on to a different fear, try to create a new plan of action. Talk to your parent and create a new plan by looking at Module 4 again, and by using the My Plan of Action worksheet. Then, make a schedule for this week based off your new plan!
Recognizing When You Are Anxious
Back in Module 2, you learned that your body signals can tell you what emotion you are feeling. When you feel worried or anxious, your muscles might get tense, you might start shaking, you might get a stomachache, or your heart might start beating really fast. Take a look at this image or read more below for some different ways your body can signal to you that you are anxious.
The following worksheet is to help you recognize the physical signs of anxiety in your own body: Recognizing Anxiety in My Body
Coping skills can help you feel more prepared to face whatever is making you anxious by calming down your mind and your body. Up next, we will teach you how to use different types of coping skills.