Plan of Action Related to Sensory Sensitivities
As you saw earlier, George’s fear of public bathrooms is an example of how sensory sensitivities can overlap with anxieties and fears.
George gets easily overwhelmed by sounds. In the past, George has gotten overstimulated by all the loud noises in public restrooms (like hand-dryers and toilets flushing). George is also scared of germs and worries about all the germs he might touch if he goes into a public restroom.
Let's look at the plan of action George will use to tackle his fear of public restrooms. His plan will make sure to address his sensory sensitivity to sound. (View a PDF version or look at his plan below.)
George's Plan of Action!
- What anxiety or fear is this plan of action for: Fear of using/being in public restrooms
- What is your goal: Be able to use the busy public restroom at school
Exposure Activity | Anxiety level (0-10) |
Listen to the sound of my toilet at home flushing without running away or covering my ears | 2 |
In the bathroom at home, listen to an audio recording of toilets flushing, hand dryers turning on, and sinks running | 3 |
Go inside a single person public restroom and stay in there for at least 5 minutes | 4 |
Wearing noise cancelling headphones, go inside a single person public restroom and wash/dry my hands with the hand dryer | 5 |
Wearing noise cancelling headphones, use a single person public restroom, flush, and wash/dry my hands with the hand dryer | 6 |
Wearing noise cancelling headphones, go inside an empty public restroom and stay there for at least 5 minutes | 7 |
Wearing noise cancelling headphones, go inside a public restroom while there are people there and stay for at least 5 minutes | 8 |
Wearing noise cancelling headphones, go inside a public restroom while there are people in there and wash/dry my hands with the hand dryer | 9 |
Goal Activity: Wearing noise cancelling headphones, use a busy public restroom, flush, and wash/dry my hands with the hand dryer | 10 |
Note: George could repeat the second step at increasing volumes if it's too difficult for him to move to the next step. For the third and fourth steps, he could try out the activities first while his dad is with him and then by himself. He also plans on going to a few different restrooms so he knows that he can complete these activities in any public restroom, not just certain ones.
George’s overall goal is to use the public restroom at school while other people are in there. This is a busy restroom with a lot of stalls and loud hand dryers. Because George is very sensitive to sounds, he will wear his noise cancelling headphones while doing this. Remember, his goal is to get over his fear of public restrooms, not to try and change the way his brain works!
Plan of Action Related to Routines
Now, let’s get back to Sophia! As you saw earlier, Sophia’s fear of change is an example of how a natural attachment to routines can overlap with anxiety.
Like many other autistic teens, Sophia relies on schedules and routines a lot. Her routines help her navigate and make sense of the world around her. They also help her stay organized and prepared. But Sophia gets very anxious if her schedule suddenly changes or if she has to do something she did not expect to do.
Let’s look at the plan of action Sophia will use to overcome her fear of change. (View a PDF version or look at her plan below).
Sophia's Plan of Action!
- What anxiety or fear is this plan of action for: Fear of changes in my routine
- What is your goal: Be comfortable (anxiety intensity level < 2) with detours, delays, and stops on my way home after school
Exposure Activity | Anxiety level (0-10) |
With mom’s early notice in the morning, we make a quick stop somewhere I like on the way home from school | 2 |
With mom’s early notice in the morning, we take a different route on the way home from school that adds 8 minutes | 3 |
With mom’s early notice in the morning, we make a quick stop somewhere I like on the way home from school- but this time, she does not tell me where | 4 |
With mom’s early notice in the morning, we run a quick errand on the way home from school that adds 15 minutes | 5 |
With mom’s early notice in the morning, she picks me up 10 minutes later than usual | 6 |
Without notice, we make a stop somewhere I like on the way home after school | 7 |
Without notice, we take a different route home from school that adds 10 minutes | 8 |
Without notice, mom picks me up 10 minutes later than usual | 9 |
Goal Activity: Without notice, I run errands with mom or make an unplanned stop on my way home after school | 10 |
Now It's Your Turn
Take some time to talk with your parent and decide if you should make a new plan of action for fears related to sensory sensitives or routine changes.
If so, use the My Plan of Action Worksheet to make a new plan of action, and make sure to use the tips we talked about in this module. Remember, it is very important to discuss with your parent to make sure that you are both on the same page!