LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Congratulations! | LUNA Teen Caregiver Module 12


Checking in with YOU


You have now made it to the end of your LUNA journey! We know you have put in a lot of love and hard work to make it this far, and even if your child is still struggling with their anxiety, you should feel very proud of yourself for helping them through this program.

Being a parent is no easy task, especially when your child is struggling with anxiety. It’s okay if you have felt tired, overwhelmed, or stressed out at times. Take a moment to remind yourself that your feelings matter too. Taking care of yourself is an essential part of effectively supporting your child. Try to squeeze in moments throughout your day to decompress and pay attention to you! Whether that be through physical activity, relaxation strategies, hobbies, social support, or anything else that you enjoy.

Final Considerations

Your child will continue needing your support as they work on managing their anxiety in the future. They will need people in their life who they can trust to reach out to and to talk about their struggles with. It’s important to be patient with your child, even if their anxiety comes back or gets worse.

Remember, even if you do not understand your child’s anxiety, it is very real to them and it affects them greatly. In order to keep being a safe person for your child to reach out to, it’s important that you do not respond to your child with guilt or become upset when they tell you about their challenges with anxiety.

We know that it can be really frustrating and difficult to see your child struggling. These are very real emotions that will need an outlet at some point. But when your child shares their challenges with you, this is not the time to vent out your emotions. Instead, you should remain focused on your child’s feelings so that they continue to feel comfortable reaching out to you.

If you are struggling to understand your child’s anxiety, or if you need a place to focus on your own feelings about the situation- that is completely understandable and okay. If this is the case for you, it may help to join support groups with other parents or read credible resources geared towards parents. Remember to reach out to your own support system as well! Try confiding in other trusted adults as an outlet or engage in your favorite hobbies or relaxation methods. We hope these tips are helpful! Remember to give both you and your child grace throughout this process.


Congratulations! You have made it all the way to the end of LUNA. We hope you recognize all the amazing things you and your child have accomplished!  

Keep in mind the things that helped your child with their anxiety in LUNA. The skills that you and your child have developed are now with you. You can keep using them to manage any new fears and worries that arise in the future. Well done!