LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 3: Coping with Anxiety


Over the last two modules, you…

  • Learned what anxiety is. Remember, anxiety is a normal emotion everyone has to keep us safe. LUNA will help you feel less anxiety in situations that are not dangerous.
  • Learned about the three parts of anxiety- including the physical part (for example, heart beating fast or sweating), anxious thoughts (expecting bad things to happen), and behavior (avoiding situations that make you afraid).
  • You also set your own goals for the program and rewards for achieving those goals!

This week, you will learn how to use “coping skills” to manage your anxiety. We will also give you instructions for two specific skills:

  1. Deep breathing (2 different ways)
  2. Grounding Practice with 5-4-3-2-1

Then, you and your parent will look over a list of coping skills and choose two that you want to focus on.
You will spend about 30 - 45 minutes reading, watching videos, and doing activities with your parent. You will also spend a couple of minutes every day this week practicing your coping skills with your parent.

Recognizing When You Are Anxious

Earlier, you learned that your body signals can tell you how you feel. When you feel scared or anxious, your muscles might get tense, you might start shaking, you might get a stomachache, or your heart might start beating really fast.
The following worksheet is to help you recognize the physical signs of anxiety in your body: Recognizing Anxiety in My Body. See a text version below.

When you feel one of these, you will know it is time to use a coping skill so you can feel more ready to face your fears. Up next, we will teach you how to do two types of coping skills.