LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Measuring how anxious you are using the anxiety scale


Anxiety isn’t an all-or-nothing feeling. Sometimes you might feel just a little anxious, other times you might feel very anxious, and other times, you may not be anxious at all! 
It can be hard to describe how much anxiety we are feeling. It can also be hard to remember how scared we felt in a situation that happened a while ago – or even just yesterday! Because of this, it is helpful to have a tool that we can use to tell others (or ourselves) how anxious or worried we are. The tool we like to use is the anxiety scale.


When you are not feeling anxious at all, your rating on the anxiety scale would be 0. 

If you are feeling really anxious, it would be 10. 

If you are feeling anxious, but it isn’t high or intense enough to be a 10, you would choose a number somewhere in between!

Let’s look at some examples from Sally. Sally is anxious about talking in front of other people. However, her anxiety level is different depending on the situation. For example, she feels less anxious when she needs to talk in front of a fewer number of classmates. 
Let’s look at the ratings below: