LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Fix-It Behaviors


We want to teach you about a new idea this week - “fix-its.” Fix-it behaviors are anything we do that help us feel calmer at first but do not help us face our fears. Because they do not solve our problems long-term, sometimes we call them “quick-fixes.” Watch the video below to learn more about fix-its.


What about you? Now that you’ve learned more about fix-its, work with your parent to list fix-its that you do on this worksheet: Identifying Fix-Its.

Here is a list of common fix-its to help you brainstorm:

  • Washing too much
  • Checking too much (like locks or behind doors, or where exits are)
  • Asking too many questions about fears
  • Spending lots of time researching fears on the Internet
  • Carrying a special object everywhere
  • Distracting myself so I do not think about my fears
  • Always having to have my phone with me

Did you come up with any? Finding fix-its can help you think of new things to put on your mission plans.

For example, Sally put these things on her mission plan:

  1. Wash my hands for 1 minute before eating
  2. Wash my hands for 30 seconds only once per hour
  3. Wash my hands for 30 seconds only after I eat or go to the bathroom
  4. Wash my hands without my favorite soap before eating
  5. Wash my hands without my favorite hand sanitizer before eating
  6. Touch a public restroom doorknob and wash my hands for only thirty seconds

Can you think of anything to put on your mission plans that will help with fix-its? Your parent has also thought about ways they can help you face your fears better during steps of your mission plan. Work with your parent to figure out some new things to put on your mission plans and make sure to practice these mission plan steps this week. 

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