LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 4: Learning About Mission Plans


In the last module, we taught you different coping skills to use when feeling anxious, such as deep breathing and grounding using the 5-4-3-2-1 activity. We also told you that these skills would help you prepare to face your fears.

This week, you will learn about facing your fears with what therapists call “exposure therapy,” which we call “mission plans” in LUNA!
You will spend about 30 minutes - 1 hour reading, watching videos, and doing activities with your parent. 

Anxiety is Normal

Earlier, you learned that anxiety can be a very helpful emotion in certain situations. But anxiety can be a problem if you are too scared or if you get scared when you do not need to be, like in situations that are not really dangerous.

Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their life. The goal of LUNA is to help you feel less anxiety and do things without getting frightened too much!

Avoiding Your Anxiety