LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Module 2: Learning How to Identify Anxiety and Receive Rewards


Welcome to the second module of LUNA! In this module, you will learn more about the different parts of anxiety. You will also learn how to use a reward system for facing your fears. You will spend about 30 minutes reading, watching videos, and doing activities.
Let’s quickly recap what we learned last week: 

  • LUNA is a program that will help you feel less anxious.
  • You will learn different skills that you can use when you feel anxious.
  • You set goals for the program.

This week, we want to tell you more about anxiety and rewards.

How do I know when I am feeling anxious?

Sometimes, it can be easy to tell when we are feeling anxious – we may be tense or we may be so anxious that we end up crying. Other times, it can be hard to tell when we are worried or afraid of something.

Watch this video to learn about the three parts of anxiety.


We have more control over what we do when we are anxious rather than what we think or how our bodies feel. Because of that, we are going to focus mostly on learning how to change the way we act when we are anxious through LUNA.
As you just learned, our body signals can let us know when we are feeling anxious. Anxiety also shows up in the ways that we act. Usually, we avoid things we are afraid of. 
For example, Sally avoids talking to people she does not know well, talking in front of groups, or touching things she thinks are dirty. She also tries to avoid thinking about the things that make her anxious, so she plays on her phone when she starts to feel anxious in lots of different situations.
Think about some things you avoid because of your anxiety.

Next Page: Measuring how anxious you are using the anxiety scale