LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)

Making a Mission Plan


Now that you’ve learned why it’s important to face your anxieties, you are ready to make your own mission plan. You and your parent will work together to make a plan similar to the ones you saw for Sally in the earlier section. Here are the steps for making a mission plan:

  • Step 1: Choose the first fear that you will work on
  • Step 2: Choose a specific mission plan goal with your parent
  • Step 3: Brainstorm different steps for your mission plan
  • Step 4: Using the anxiety scale, give each activity a fear rating 0-10
  • Step 5: Order the steps from least to most scary
  • Step 6: Choose a different reward or number of points for each

On the next pages, you will go through each step with your parent. Fill out one of the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheets below as you work through each step.

On the next pages, you will go through each step with your parent. Fill out one of the “Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps” worksheets below as you work through each step.

Or make your own Brainstorming Mission Plan Steps by recording this information:

  • Target Fear:
  • Mission Plan Goal:
  • Possible Steps:


Create your first Mission Plan


Congratulations! Now you learned all the steps you need to know to make your first mission plan. Use this Mission Plan Planning Worksheet and come up with your own mission plan. Don’t forget to discuss with your parent – remember you are working as a team!

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