LUNA (Learning to Understand and Navigate Anxiety)



Completing LUNA activities and facing your fears every week is not easy, so as we’ve mentioned last week, you will be able to earn rewards for all of your hard work. But remember, you will only get your rewards when you try your best.
There are two different ways you can earn rewards – the first one is using Brave Bucks. 

Brave Bucks

This is what a Brave Buck looks like:


Take some time and come up with your own Rewards Menu with your parent! Be as creative as you want to be and think about the things that you would like to get for doing the activities for LUNA. These rewards could be anything from small to big.

Save this Rewards Menu on your device so you can fill it out. Or, you can also make your own using a piece of paper if you’d like to write your rewards than type them on a computer.

First, write down all the different rewards you would like. Then, after earning Brave Bucks for one or two weeks, come back to the sheet to figure out how many Brave Bucks each reward should cost.

Direct Rewards

Instead of using Brave Bucks, you and your parent might decide to work with the rewards a bit differently. That is, instead of earning Brave Bucks, you and your parent might agree to get certain rewards for each activity you complete. 

If you decide on to getting rewards after each activity, you will create a Rewards List. Try to come up with different kinds of rewards that you want to get! The rewards will start out small, but they will get bigger after you complete multiple trainings.

Take some time to brainstorm and then fill out this Rewards List! Again, save it on your device first and then fill it out. Or, you can also make your own using a piece of paper if you’d like to write your rewards rather than type them on a computer.
Coming up with rewards is exciting, but remember – it's important to talk about these in detail with your parent so that both of you are on the same page!

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