Faculty lab websites provide information on the focus, projects and people working within them. View a listing of our faculty labs below.
Not all research faculty at the College are represented within these sites. To further explore our research and discover potential mentors or collaborators whose research match your interests, you may also want to search our research centers, visit VIICTR to search for faculty by research interests and go to our departments and center websites. Go to the Explore Research page for additional options for learning about our research.
- Bacha, Fida
- Badr, Hoda
- Balaji, Swathi
- Barrozo, Enrico
- Bartoli, Eleonora
- Bates, David
- Beeton, Christine
- Bijanki, Kelly
- Blumenthal-Barby, Jenny
- Bouchier-Hayes, Lisa
- Britton, Robert
- Bround, Michael
- Burrage, Lindsay
- Burrin, Douglas
- Butler, Ashley
- Calarge, Chadi
- Catic, Andre
- Chacko, Shaji
- Chan, Pui-Kwong
- Chang, Eric
- Chao, Hsiao-Tuan
- Chen, Miao-Hsueh
- Cheng, Chao
- Cheng, Chonghui
- Chin, Jeannie
- Cooper, Edward
- Cooper, Tom
- Dave, Jayna
- Dang, Weiwei
- Davis, Alan
- Davis, Teresa
- Decker, William
- Deneen, Benjamin
- Dere, Ruhee
- Didenko, Vladimir
- Dzakovich, Michael
- Fazal, Furqan
- Ferreon, Allan Chris
- Ferreon, Josephine
- Finnell, Richard
- Fiorotto, Marta
- Fletcher, Faith
- Fukuda, Makoto
- Fuqua, Suzanne
- Gallo, Marco
- Gao, Xia
- Ghanta, Ravi (Ghanta Lab for Translational Therapeutics)
- Goodell, Margaret
- Gorelick, Dan
- Groves, Andrew
- Hakim, Julie
- Hamilton, Susan
- Han, Sang Jun
- Hayden, Benjamin
- He, Yang
- Hilliard, Marisa
- Hodges, H. Courtney
- Horrigan, Frank
- Hughes, Sheryl
- Karch, Jason
- Keswani, Sundeep
- Kim, Choel
- King, Katherine
- Klotman, Paul
- Kochel, Robin
- Kommagani, Ramakrishna
- Krishnan, Vaishnav
- Lacorazza, Daniel
- Lagor, William
- Larina, Irina
- Lee, Brendan
- Lee, Justin
- Lee, Sukyeong
(Structural Biology) - LeMaire, Scott A.
(Aortic Disease Research) - Lemon, Katherine
- Lewis, Michael
- Li, Ang
- Li, Na
- Li, Wei
- Li, Yi
- Liu, Zhandong
- Lloyd, Rick
- Ludtke, Stephen
- Lupo, Philip
- Ma, Jianpeng
- Maheshwari, Atul
- Majumder, Mary
- Mani, Shailaja
- Marchetti, Dario
- Mardon, Graeme
- Maresso, Anthony
- Martin, James
- Mathison, Megumi
(Cardiac Regeneration) - Matzuk, Martin
- McGinley, Matthew
- McGuire, Amy
- Mills, Jason
- Mills, Joseph
(iCAMP) - Mohamed, Tamer
- Mohammad, Mahmoud
- Mondal, Nandan Kumar
- Montero, Miguel
(iCAMP) - Moran, Nancy
(Carotenoids and Nutrition) - Moreno, Jennette
- Musaad, Salma
- Mustoe, Anthony
- Palzkill, Timothy
- Pangas, Stephanie
- Papageorgiou, T. Dorina
(Investigational Targeted Brain Neurotherapeutics) - Park, Dongsu
- Patras, Katy
- Patel, Akash
- Pautler, Robia
- Pfaffinger, Paul
- Phillips, Kevin
- Pillon, Monica
- Poché, Ross
- Prasad, B.V. Venkatar
- Provenza, Nicole
- Putluri, Nagireddy
- Ramani, Sasirekha
- Rasband, Matthew
- Rau, Rachel
- Ray, Russell
- Redondo, Maria
- Reimer, Jacob
- Ress, David
(High Resolution Brain Imaging) - Rice, Andrew
- Rider, Nicolas
- Rao, Ganesh
- Roarty, Kevin
- Robertson, Claudia
- Rodney, George
- Ropper, Alexander (Spine Innovations Lab)
- Rosen, Jeffrey
- Rosengart, Todd
(Cardiac Regeneration) - Ross, Jeffrey
- Samee, Hassan
- Samuel, Melanie
- Savidge, Tor
- Schiff-Osborne
- Schnur, Tatiana
- Shen, Ying H.
(Aortic Disease Research) - Sheth, Sameer
(Functional and Cognitive Neurophysiology) - Shroyer, Noah
- Shulman, Joshua (Integrative Functional Genomics)
- Sillitoe, Roy
- Singh, Vivek (Cardiac Regeneration)
- Sisley, Stephanie
(Treating Obesity with Precision Lab) - Soltero, Erica
- Song, Yongcheng
- Sreekumar, Arun
- Stankiewicz, Pawel
- Storch, Eric
(LUNA) /(LUNA Esp) - Sumazin, Pavel
(Regulatory Circuits) - Sun, Zheng
- Teng, Mingxing
- Thiagarajan, Perumal
- Thompson, Debbe
- Thrift, Aaron
- Tolias, Kimberley
- Tong, Qiang
- Tsai, Francis
- Van den Veyver, Ignatia
- Van Nostrand, Eric
- Vasudevan, Sanjeev
(Pediatric Surgical Oncology Laboratory) - Venken, Koen
- Versalovic, James
- Viswanathan, Ashwin
(Neuromodulation Lab)
- Wagner, Dimitrios
(Genome Editing for Cell Therapy) - Wakil, Salih
- Walker, Cheryl
- Wang, Chunmei
- Wang, Jin
- Wang, Qinghua
- Wang, Xiaosong
- Wang, Zhao
- Waterland, Robert
- Watkins, Trent
- Wehrens, Xander
- Wensel, Theodore
- Westbrook, Thomas
- Williams, Margot
- Wilusz, Jeremy
- Wood, Alexis (Lekki)
- Wooton-Kee, Clavia Ruth
- Wu, Tao
- Yallampalli, Chandra
- Yang, Feng
- Yau, Jeffrey
(Perceptual Neuroscience) - Yen, Laising
- Young, Damian
- Young, Nicolas
- Yustein, Jason