About Us
The goal of the Pediatrics Center for Research Advancement (CRA) at Feigin Tower is to provide unified, coordinated and comprehensive researcher-focused support and education for all regulatory aspects of both investigator initiated, NIH cooperative group, and pharmaceutical industry studies, as well as provide centralized resources for the pre- and post-award processes involved in developing and implementing the wide range of basic, translational or clinical studies performed by pediatrics investigators.
Pediatric Awards
Educational / Research Events
Important Clinical Research News
- Qualifying Clinical Trials Assessment System
- Qualifying Clinical Trials - FAQs
- Qualifying Clinical Trials - Step-by-Step Instructions
- Billing Grid (in Windows Excel format)
- Billing Grid Instructions
- Subject Registration System Instructions
- Epic Research Coordinator Manual (Requires login with BCM email address, BCM username and password)
- Industry Sponsored Clinical Trial Agreement Submission Process
- Industry Sponsored Confidentiality Agreement Submission Process (CDAs for Clinical Trials)