May 3, 2022. Due to pandemic staffing shortages, we are only able to offer the following services at this time:
- Embryo production
- Procedural training for zebrafish handling, breeding, embryo care, fin clips, anesthesia, euthanasia
- Strain import
- Strain maintenance
- Compliance consultation
- Grant and manuscript support
Natural Spawning: IVF Embryo Production
We provide you with embryos for your research.
Embryo production: In Vitro Fertilization
We provide you with embryos for your research. Developmental stage of embryos can be timed and coordinated precisely, down to the minute.
Embryo Cleaning/Sorting
We clean, sort and remove the chorion from embryos.
Male Gamete Collection
We can perform male gamete collection for cryopreservation or IVF of all mutant and transgenic lines generated in the Core. We pool samples of several healthy males per strain.
Cryopreservation Sample Storage and Upkeep
We can store cryopreservation samples in a liquid nitrogen freezer. This allows us to store important lines for future use, ensures their safety in the case of a catastrophic event, and eliminates the need to maintain live fish for not actively studied mutants to save husbandry costs.
Rederivation of Cryopreservation Samples
We carefully thaw Cryogenic samples and then perform IVF to recover the strains.
Procedural Training
We provide basic training to new users in zebrafish handling, breeding, embryo care, fin clips, anesthesia, euthanasia, as well as other techniques pertaining to zebrafish.
Compliance Consultation
We provide guidance to assist with laboratory and animal research compliance with Laboratory OSHA, IACUC, AALAC, etc. requirements.
Grant and Manuscript Support
We provide guidance on experimental project design for research including but not limited to genotyping, phenotyping by whole mount in situ hybridization, imaging, histology, survival analysis, project-specific procedures and crossing with appropriate transgenic lines to monitor the desired tissues during development.
Fin Clip Preparation
We non-lethally biopsy a portion of the tail fin from adult zebrafish for genotyping purposes.
We extract genomic DNA from embryos or adults. We perform PCR and high-resolution melting curve analysis or DNA sequencing to identify genotype.
Whole Mount in Situ Hybridization
We perform in situ RNA hybridization and immunohistochemistry on whole embryos of any developmental stage to characterize expression patterns of genes and proteins of interest.
Morpholino Reagents
We design and inject antisense morpholino oligonucleotides for transient knockdown of target genes of your choice.
CRISPR Mutagenesis
Design, synthesize and inject CRISPR reagents to generate mutations in target genes of your choice.
Strain Import
We provide services for the proper transport and documentation of zebrafish adults or embryos including packaging the animals for transport, tracking shipments, receiving animals, bleaching eggs, quarantine transition, and establishment into the colony.
Strain Maintenance
Husbandry and housing for fry through adult stages of the zebrafish model can be provided based on space availability in the holding facilities.
Embryo Injection
We inject RNA or DNA into 1-cell stage embryos to generate mutant or transgenic zebrafish.