About the Lab

Welcome to Dr. Erica Soltero’s Physical Activity and Prevention Research Lab.
The goal of our research is to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes disparities in high-risk, minority youth. To achieve this goal, we use qualitative and quantitative strategies to understand the physiological, social (i.e. social determinants), environmental, and cultural factors that contribute to disease. This information informs the development and implementation of disease prevention strategies focused on improving health behaviors to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes. Our program of research applies a translational approach that includes clinical and community research collaborations in the following areas:
- Examining the dependent and interdependent impact of 24-hour physical activity and sleep cycles on obesity and related disease outcomes.
- Community and clinic-based implementation of culturally grounded, diabetes prevention programs.
- Technology-based strategies (i.e. text messages, personal activity trackers) to promote healthy 24-hour physical activity and sleep behaviors.
Primary Investigator
Dr. Soltero's research interests: pediatric obesity and diabetes, physical activity, social determinants and community-based health promotion
USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center
Dr. Soltero’s lab is part of the Children's Nutrition Research Center which houses laboratories of varied disciplines, a vast array of state-of-the-art equipment, a greenhouse, observation labs and accommodations for research volunteers, a metabolic kitchen, and an elite group of scientists conducting groundbreaking research.
Learn more about the research our lab is leading to improve health and reduce diabetes risk in Hispanic youth and families throughout the Houston community.
Our research projects and studies result in publications in PubMed and other scientific journals.
Community Resources
In our lab, we put community first by bringing the best available science to those with the greatest need.
Join the Lab
View more information on education and training opportunities offered in Dr. Soltero’s lab.