
Advanced Technology and Analytics Seminars


ATC Seminar Series


The Advanced Technology Core group hosts a seminar series presented by core directors on emerging technologies and their applications in biomedical research. The goal of these seminars is to inform and update the general faculty and research staff of Baylor on the latest technical capabilities and instrumentation of ATC cores with examples of their applications to research problems using projects of major core users as examples. Seminars are monthly and are announced on the ATC web site and through email list serves and other venues. PDFs of recent seminars are posted below as they become available.

Series Contact: Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.  713-798-9020,

Seminar Time: 1-2 p.m.


2023 - 2024 Seminar Series Schedule

Sept. 19, 2023
CryoEM/ET CoreZhao Wang, Ph.D.
Core Director
3D Structures: From Macromolecular Assemblies
to Whole Cells
Oct. 10, 2023Genomic and RNA Profiling Core (GARP)Daniel Kraushaar, Ph.D.
Core Director
Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Profiling by Next-
Gen Sequencing
Jan. 9, 2024Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography Core (X-RAY)Francis T.F. Tsai, Ph.D. and Sukyeong Lee, Ph.D.
Core Directors
X-ray Core for Protein Structure
Determination, AlphaFold Structure Prediction, and Virtual Drug Screening
Feb. 13, 2024Antibody Based Proteomics Core (ABP)Shixia Huang, Ph.D.
Core Director
Antibody-based Proteomics for Posttranslational Modifications and Protein & Immuno Profiling
March 12, 2024MHC Tetramer Core (MHC)Xiaochi Lily Wang, M.S.
Core Director
Broadening the Scope of MHC- peptide Tetramer’s Applications 
April 16, 2022Bioengineering CoreFabrizio Gabbiani, Ph.D. and I-Chih Tan, Ph.D.
Core Directors
Fostering Biomedical Innovation in Research and Medicine Through Custom Instrumentation
May 14, 2024Gene Vector Core (GVC)Corinne Sonnet, Ph.D.
Core Director
Viral Vector Production and Challenges in Quality Assurance
*Seminars are held from 1-2 p.m. on Tuesdays, via Zoom

2022 - 2023 Seminar Series Schedule

May 9, 2023Advanced Cell Engineering and 3D ModelsJun Xu, Ph.D. and Hugo Villanueva, Ph.D.
Core Directors
Application of Functional Genomics in Advanced Cancer Models and Beyond
April 11, 2023Human Stem Cell and Neuronal Differentiation Core (HSCNDC)Aleksandar Bajic, Ph.D.
Core Director
Disease Modeling & Genome Editing Using Human iPS Cells
March 14, 2023Cell Based Assay Screening Services (CBASS)Jun Xu, Ph.D.
Core Director
Genome Editing in Mammalian Cells Using CRISPR/Cas9
Feb. 14, 2023Mouse Metabolism Phenotyping Core (MMPC)Chris Ward, Ph.D.
Core Director
Tools for Whole Animal Phenotyping
Jan. 10, 2023Integrated Microscopy Core (IMC)Fabio Stossi, Ph.D.
Core Director
Single Cell Phenotypic Analysis by High Throughput Microscopy
Dec. 13, 2022Mass Spectrometry Proteomics
(MS Proteomics)
Anna Malovannaya, Ph.D.
Academic Core Director
Mass Spectrometry Proteomics for Basic and Clinical Research
Nov. 8, 2022Single Cell Genomics Core (SCGC)
Genomic RNA Profiling Core (GARP)
Rui Chen, Ph.D. and Daniel Kraushaar, Ph.D.
SCGC & GARP Core Directors
Epigenomic Profiling from Bulk to Single Cell Samples
Oct. 11, 2022Genetically Engenireed Rodent Models (GERM)Jason Heaney, Ph.D.
Academic Core Director
Genome Editing in Mice: Current Approaches and Developing Technologies
Sept. 13, 2022ZebrafishDaniel Gorelick, Ph.D.
Academic Core Director
Using Zebrafish to Study Human Development and Disease
*Seminars will be hybrid with both in-person (room 201A Cullen Bldg) or virtual (via Zoom link) options

2021 - 2022 Seminar Series Schedule

DateSpeaker(s)CoreSeminar Title / Presentation Link
May 10, 2022Hugo Villanueva, Ph.D.
Lacey Dobrolecki, Ph.D.
PDX/AIMPDX Model Versatility in the Age of Precision Oncology
April 12, 2022Steven LudtkeCryoEM and CryoET3-D Cellular Structure at Nanometer Resolution with Cryo-FIB and CryoET
March 8, 2022Yingmin ZhuProtein and Monoclonal Antibody ProductionProtein Production in Baculovirus-Insect Cell System
Feb. 8, 2022Joel Sederstrom, M.S.Cytometry and Cell Sorting CoreAdvances in High Parameter Cytometry at CCSC
Dec. 7, 2021 Michael SchruererPopulation Sciences BiorepositoryBiospecimen Science for Population Studies and Biobanking at BCM
Nov. 9, 2021

Chadi Abdallah
Meghan Robinson

Core for Advanced Magnetic ResonanceImaging the Structure and Function of the Human Brain Using MRI
Oct. 12, 2021Kazuhiro OkaGene VectorRecent Advances in Gene Delivery
Sept. 14, 2021Kevin MackenzieNMR & Drug MetabolismPharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution in Drug Development

2020 - 2021 Seminar Series Schedule

DateSpeaker(s)CoreSeminar Title / Link
May 11, 2021Jason Kirk, Ph.D.
Technical Director, OIVM
Logan Hsu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Molecular Physiology Co-Director, OIVM
Optical Imaging and Vital Microscopy CoreFrom Micro to Macro: Advances in 3D Imaging Technology
April 13, 2021I-Chih Tan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Director/Engineer, Bioengineering Core 
BioengineeringFostering Biomedical Innovation Through Custom Instrumentation
March 9, 2021Daniel Kraushaar, Ph.D.
Instructor, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Director, Genomic and RNA Profiling Core
Genomic Profiling Genomic Profiling by NextGeneration Sequencing
Feb. 9, 2021Shixia Huang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology
Director, Antibody-Based Proteomics Core
Antibody-Based Proteomics Reverse Phase Protein Array as a Discovery Platform & Epigenetics Profiling
Jan. 12, 2021Rui Chen, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Core Director of Single Cell Genomics
Single Cell GenomicsSingle Cell Multi-Omics Profiling
Dec. 8, 2020Anna Malovannaya, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic Director, Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Core
Mass Spectrometry ProteomicsNew Proteomics Technologies for Systems Biology
Nov. 10, 2020Dan Liu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Biochemistry-Songyang Lab
Core Director of Cell Based Assay Screening Service
Cell Based Assay Screening ServiceGene Modulation and Gene Editing in Mammalian Cells
Oct. 13, 2020Sukyeong Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Core Director of Macromolecular X-Ray
Crystallography Advanced Technology Core
Macromolecular X-Ray
X-Ray Crystallography for Your Protein Structure Determination
Sept. 15, 2020Jason D. Heaney, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor,
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Director of the Genetically Engineered Rodent Models
Genetically Engineered Rodent ModelsIntroduction to the Genetically Engineered Rodent Models Core
April 14, 2020Joel Sederstrom, M.S.
Director, Cytrometry & Cell Sorting Cor
Cytometry & Cell
Sorting Core
Image Cytometry and
May 12, 2020Cecilia Ljungberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics Director of the RNA In Situ Hybridization Core
RNA in Situ HybridizationVisualizing Gene Expression in Tissue Sections