About the Lab

The Kommagani lab seeks to decipher the molecular processes underlying the female reproductive tract functions. Specifically, we focus on the processes that are required for normal endometrial function and that are impaired in gynecological pathologies to achieve our central goal of improving women’s health.
We pursue this goal through research in three areas:
- The role of gut microbiome and inflammation in endometriosis.
- The role of RNA splicing in gynecological pathologies.
- The role of RNA splicing and autophagy in endometrial preparation for embryo implantation.
Lab Members
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Research Projects
Learn about our current funding and research projects for the Kommagani Lab.
View a listing of Kommagani Lab research publications that are published in PubMed and other scientific journals.
Kommagani Lab
Department of Pathology & Immunology
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza, T228
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 713-798-5085 / Email: rama.kommagani@bcm.edu