About the Center
The burgeoning field of cancer neuroscience fuses the tenets of cancer biology and neuroscience to provide new avenues for improving our understanding of brain cancer and ultimately pioneer new treatments for patients. To find new solutions for brain cancer patients, our team of world-class neurosurgeons and neuroscientists created the Center for Cancer Neuroscience. As pioneers in this nascent field, our team discovered that brain tumors use the nervous system’s native neural network as a “highway” to spread to other parts of the brain and hijack immune cells to hide from the immune system. Leveraging our transdisciplinary expertise our team will work to uncover the causes and identify therapeutic targets leading to better treatments and preventive approaches for brain tumors.
Director's Message

This is a unique opportunity to support a new direction for brain cancer research with recognized experts in the field. Leveraging access to patients from all walks of life to inform new discoveries and potential therapeutic options, we will harness a unique, multidisciplinary approach rooted in Cancer Neuroscience to innovate new cures for this malicious disease. Baylor College of Medicine is ideally positioned to lead the charge that will change how we view brain tumor research and create new paths to effective treatments for this malicious disease.
Benjamin Deneen, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Cancer Neuroscience