The Nikon A1Rs confocal laser scanning microscope has both high resolution (4Kx4K) and high speed (up to 230 frames/sec) imaging capabilities. The system can perform real time FRAP, calcium imaging (with appropriate dyes), FRET, spectral detection (with adequate control samples) and time lapse studies of live cells.
Key Features

- 4 PMTs plus white light detector
- 7 Laser Lines:
- 405nm diode at 38mW
- Argon multi-line laser:457.9nm/476.5nm/488nm/514.5nm
- 561.7nm diode at 40mW
- 637.9nm diode at 10mW
- Spectral detector
- Nikon Perfect Focus System (for live imaging)
- Regulated environmental chamber for live cells - CO2, temperature, humidity
Acquisition Software
- Nikon Elements
Filter Sets
- Standard DAPI/FITC/TxRED/Cy5
Objective Lenses
- 10x Plan Fluor/0.3 NA w/phase
- 20x Plan Apo/0.75 NA
- 40x Plan Fluor/0.75 NA
- 40x Plan Fluor/1.3 NA Oil
- • 60x Plan Apo/1.4 NA Oil
- 100x Plan Apo/1.4 Oil
- X-Cite 120 long life fluorescent lamp, trans-illumination, DIC
For best results use 1.5 oz. (#1.5, 170 micron) cover slips.