"Cytation™ 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader combines automated digital widefield microscopy with conventional multi-mode microplate reading in a unique, patented design. With Cytation 5, you can capture rich phenotypic cellular information and well-based quantitative data in a single experiment. Cytation 5, along with Gen5 software, automates the workflow from image capture, processing, and analysis to create publication-ready images and data. Augmented Microscopy™ is the combination of all of these features in one compact system."

Read Methods: Endpoint, Kinetic, Well Area Scanning
Imaging Modes: Fluorescence, Brightfield, Color Brightfield, Phase Contrast
Filter Imaging Cubes: DAPI/GFP/TxRED/Cy5/Cy7
Objective Lenses: Phase Compatible Objectives: 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X / 60X (non phase)
Live Imaging Capabilities: Long term live imaging available, CO2 and O2 Controller, Temperature Control and Gradient,
Plate Reader Functions: Fluorescence Intensity, Luminescence, etc.
Auto focus Capabilities: Imaging Based Autofocus, User Trained Autofocus, Laser Focus
Acquisition Software: Gen5 Microplate Reader and Imager Software