- Advanced Technology Core Laboratories
Every student at Baylor has access to the state-of-the-art instrumentation and technologies of the Advanced Technology Core laboratories as well as training in how, when and why to use these tools. Each core is run by faculty and technicians with highly specialized expertise in the technologies provided. Ongoing assessment of cores ensures that new resources are added as technologies evolve and the needs of our researchers change.
- Dan L Duncan Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
The Dan L Duncan Institute for Clinical and Translational Research provides training, technologies and support for investigations focused on taking discoveries out of the laboratory to improve patient care.
- Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research Center
The CIBR Center helps students and faculty address the broad range of analytical problems posed by the complexity of high throughput biological datasets. The goal of the center is to help bridge the translational gap from data to models, and from models to drug discovery and personalized therapy by fostering collaborations and developing original quantitative approaches to biological and clinical problems.
- Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Duncan Cancer Center at Baylor is a National Cancer Institute designated comprehensive cancer center. This is a significant designation that places the Duncan Cancer Center among the best in the nation and provides critical program funding to combat cancer.
- BCM Human Genome Sequencing Center
In 1999, the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center was chosen as one of three sites to complete the Human Genome Project. Today, the major activity of the BCM-HGSC is high-throughput DNA sequence generation and the accompanying analysis. The BCM-HGSC is also involved in developing the next generation of DNA sequencing and bioinformatics technologies that will allow greater scientific advances in the future.
- Center for Cell and Gene Therapy
The Center for Cell and Gene Therapy at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, and Houston Methodist Hospital provides an infrastructure to rapidly translate novel cell and gene therapy protocols from the laboratory to the clinic. The comprehensive approach of the center brings a wide variety of scientists and clinicians together to develop strategies for the treatment of cancer, HIV and cardiovascular disease.
- Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital
Dedicated to improving the lives of patients facing devastating neurological disorders, the Neurological Research Institute is a basic research institute committed to understanding the pathogenesis of neurological diseases with the ultimate goal of developing treatments.
- Center for Precision Environmental Health
Emerging pathogenic viruses such as Zika and Ebola, chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes and toxic reactions to environmental chemicals and contaminants affect populations and individuals in different ways with varying results, from no symptoms to mild or deadly disease. Finding the sources and reasons for these differences is the goal of the Center for Precision Environmental Health.
- Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research
Within the body of a healthy adult, microbial cells are estimated to outnumber human cells by a factor of ten to one. The Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research serves as an international hub for the development and implementation of advanced technologies for the understanding of how the microbiome impacts health and disease, and for the translation of this knowledge into microbiome based therapeutics and diagnostics.
- Cardiovascular Research Institute
The Cardiovascular Research Institute is built on a legacy of cardiovascular research. Read about Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, Baylor College of Medicine cardiovascular surgeon and researcher, and see a timeline of accomplishments. The CVRI serves as an avenue for increased collaborative research efforts, development of cutting edge cardiovascular clinical technologies and enhanced CV educational programs.
- Center for Drug Discovery
The Center for Drug Discover includes a state-of-the-art screening facility to perform screening for a range of cell-based phenotypic and target-based biochemical assays in high-throughput or follow-up screens. Once assays have been validated with small drug libraries, larger screens can be performed with the help of the Gulf Coast Consortia. Secondary validation assays and additional assays with newly synthesized analogs are also performed in the center.
- Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center
The Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Center facilitates stem cell research of all types at Baylor College of Medicine, and the clinical translation of such research into regenerative medicine. Investigators in the STaR Center study both adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells as well as the role of tumor stem cells in contributing to cancer relapse.
And Many More...
The entities listed here are just a small sampling of the inter-disciplinary research centers at BCM. Many graduate school faculty members are part of these centers, facilitating participation by students in center research and activities. Seminars and workshops organized by centers are open to graduates students. Centers create dynamic environments in which faculty and students collaborate across traditional scientific divides.

Texas Medical Center
As a member of the Texas Medical Center, Baylor College of Medicine leverages the resources of the world’s largest medical complex. In addition to supporting collaborations with the many hospitals, schools and research institutes in the TMC, the Center also facilitates state of the art research through specialized resources, including the TMC Innovation Institute, the TMC Library, and TCM Health Policy Institute.
Research Affiliates
The concentration of research in every aspect of biomedical sciences in the Texas Medical Center and in Houston is among the highest to be found anywhere. Through an extensive network of affiliations, BCM provides faculty and students access to the extensive interactions and collaborations with researchers from the full spectrum of physical and social sciences.
"When I was interviewing here, people highlighted how much the cores and the clinics would help my research, but it didn't mean anything to me at the time. Now, being able to reach out to the cores whenever a question comes up and collaborating with the Breast Center to move discoveries to clinical trials, has pushed my research forward in what feels like a really short time."