Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Responsible Conduct of Research

Topics Covered in Responsible Conduct of Research graduate courses
Year OneYear TwoYear ThreeYear Four
Data Acquisition & Record Keeping ResponsibilitiesResearch Misconduct & Safe Practices in the LabAuthorship, Peer Review, & Conflicts of InterestEthics in Research with Human Subjects
Responsible Authorship & Scientific PublicationsEthics of Biomedical Studies with AnimalsCollaboration in Research and with IndustryScientist as Responsible Member of Society
Rigor & ReproducibilityConflict ResolutionRigor & ReproducibilitySteps to Successful Completion of Dissertation & Graduate Study
Mentor-Mentee RelationshipMentorshipMentorshipMentorship
ResilienceFunding Structure of Science & Public PolicyNavigating the Mid-point 
Setting Goals for Scientific Development & Success in Graduate Studies   

Students in the Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP) M.S. program attend a separate course, Responsible Conduct of Research for Clinical Investigators, during their first year of study. This course covers much of the same material as the other graduate courses, organized to fit the CSTP pace of study.