Current Studies
FIT24: Using Technology to improve activity and sleep in Hispanic youth (H-49195)
The purpose of the Fit24 Study is to develop and test a Fitbit and text message-based intervention to improve sleep and physical activity behaviors in Hispanic teens (14-16 years) at high risk for type 2 diabetes. We will use qualitative interviews to learn more about the health promotion and technology needs of youth. Information from these interviews will be used to develop intervention content. This project is currently recruiting participants.
Acute Effects of Sedentary Behaviors on Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents (H-47575)
The purpose of this clinical study is to utilize whole-room calorimetry to learn more about how sitting for long periods of time impacts cardiometabolic disease risk factors and energy metabolism in adolescents (12-16 years old) with obesity (BMI% ≥95th). This project is currently recruiting participants.
Understanding the 24-Hour Activity cycle in Latino youth at risk for Type 2 Diabetes (H-46724)
This study examines wake time activities, including physical activity and sedentary behaviors, as well as sleep, and their association with type 2 diabetes in Latino adolescents and young adults. We are not currently recruiting participants for this study.