Resident Training
The residency program in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Baylor College of Medicine has a long history of preparing physicians for proficient practice in gynecology and obstetrics, and creating leaders in our field.
We train professionals who develop a comprehensive medical knowledge of the specialty, translate that into effective patient care, and communicate effectively with patients, and the health care team. We look for and create ‘lifelong learners,’ those who strive to improve their own practice, and effectively use system resources for patient benefit.
We assess resident training through a process of resident evaluation (peer, faculty, nurse, medical student, and patients), Semi-annual program director meetings and feedback from the Clinical Competency Committee. We are committed to maintaining a learning environment in which residents and faculty can improve their knowledge and skills and learn from each other. Residents are incorporated into the department's clinical, teaching, and research activities in a supportive fashion. Residents are also active participants of the yearly residency program education retreat which reviews the program as a whole to strengthen the training we provide at Baylor.
Each trainee assumes graded and increasing responsibility. Sensitivity and responsiveness to our residents' needs are central to the success of the educational mission.
Resident Didactics
The resident clinical experience includes protected didactic time on Wednesday afternoons. Learn more about the range of topics covered.
Rotation Schedules
The two main teaching sites are Ben Taub Hospital and the Pavilion For Women. Take a look at the resident rotation schedules for each program year.
Resident Research
Our residents have the opportunity to showcase their research each year at national conferences. Learn more about support available to residents to further their research.
Robotics Training
Our residency offers the opportunity for residents who envision robotic surgery to become daVinci Robot Certified.
Simulation Labs
Our simulation labs allow our residents the opportunity to react and respond to high-risk obstetric scenarios in a life-like simulated environment so that risk to patients is substantially lowered in real life situations.