Our board-certified primary care physicians and advanced practice clinicians are trained to care for you through all stages of life. We can address your health needs, including acute care, chronic disease management, checkups, and immunizations for all ages. Our goal is to help you be healthy.
Baylor Medicine Family Medicine
Primary care is provided through Baylor Medicine Family Medicine. Family Medicine's care services are performed by Family and Community Medicine's clinical faculty. Family Medicine is integrated with specialized care such as medical weight management, nutrition services, behavioral health, and geriatric medicine. Our providers offer preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment at several private clinic locations. Extended hours and same day appointments are available for acute health concerns.
Community Health Program
Our Community Health Program is dedicated to improving the health of medically underserved populations in Harris County. Through Baylor College of Medicine's partnership with Harris Health, Family and Community Medicine providers see patients at public health centers and same day clinics across Houston. Various faculty members also educate medical students, physician assistant students, and Family Medicine residents, giving first-hand experiences in clinical settings.
View each list of departmental faculty providing care services at the following Harris Health locations:
Addiction Medicine
Family and Community Medicine has dedicated faculty focused on Addiction Medicine. We offer substance use treatment and integrated primary care services to patients seeking support in our community. With our compassionate and evidence-based approach, we are able to reach individuals and their families through prevention and intervention.
FCM Other Contracts
Community-based contracts allow Family and Community Medicine faculty and staff to care for clients at Healthcare for the Homeless – Houston, Houston Recovery Center, Santa Maria Hostel, and other safety-net organizations.