Our Commitment to You
We aim to deliver innovative and holistic educational experiences that broaden students' exposure to primary care. One unique feature of our curriculum is the use of office-based preceptors who teach the essentials of primary care and coach learners on their professional identity. Through our required courses and electives, we seek to develop thoughtful, competent, and compassionate physicians. We welcome your interest and encourage you to contact us with any questions.
Practice of Medicine (POM)
This first-year course teaches students about patient interviewing, history taking, physical examination, professional values, and the social context of healthcare. Shruti Varadarajan, M.D., FAAFP serves as course director.
Core Clerkship
Under the guidance and direction of Arindam Sarkar, M.D., FAAFP, the Family and Community Medicine Clerkship immerses second and third-year students in a community-centered, outpatient experience. In this clerkship, students are paired directly with experienced clinician-educators who model effective and comprehensive care of various populations. Students practice behavioral change counseling, assess acute complaints, manage chronic diseases, and deliver cost-conscious care.
We offer preclinical electives (e.g., Medical Spanish, History of Medicine, Compassion and the Art of Medicine), non-clinical electives (e.g., Health Services Research, Underserved Care Clinic, Community Project in Underserved Care), and clinical electives (e.g., Care of the Underserved, Procedures in Primary Care, Immigrant Medicine). Anjali Aggarwal, M.D., FAAFP is the lead electives officer for the department. View the Family and Community Medicine Electives.
Specialty Specific Mentors
Eric Lee, M.D., FAAFP (faculty advisor for the Family Medicine Interest Group) and Eric Warwick, M.D. (residency program director) are enthusiastic to help you better understand whether a career in family medicine is right for you.
Medical Student Education Faculty and Staff

William Y. Huang, M.D.
Professor and Vice Chair of Education

Arindam Sarkar, M.D., FAAFP
Assistant Professor
Medical Student Education Director
Clerkship Director

Elvira Ruiz
Core Clerkship Course Coordinator

Bridget Angel, M.A.
Senior Academic Coordinator