Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Medical Ethics Student Publications


Student Name

Faculty Mentor

Paper Title



Emile I Gleeson

Christi Guerrini, J.D., M.P.H.

A consequentialist ethical analysis of federal funding of elective abortions


BCM Ethics Pathway

Brittany Bryant

Janet Malek, Ph.D.

"You can't make me!" Managing adolescent dissent to anesthesia

Paediatr Anaesth

BCM Ethics Pathway

Rohit Gupta

Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines

J Med Ethics


Richa Lavingia

Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Emergency-Only Hemodialysis Policies: Ethical Critique and Avenues for Reform

J Law Med Ethics

Medical Ethics and Health Policy Pathways

Julie Dorland

Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., M.P.H.

From Cervical Cap to Mobile App: Examining the Potential Reproductive Health Impacts of New Technologies

Health Promot Pract

Medical Ethics and Health Policy Pathways

Caitlin Cardenas- Comfort

Mary Majumder

Laws About Transparent School Vaccination Reporting: Public Health Context and Ethics

Am J Public Health

BCM Ethics Pathway

Suchi Agrawal

Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Who calls the shots? The ethics of adolescent self- consent for HPV vaccination

BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics

BCM Ethics Pathway

Cody Brannan/Alexandra
L. Foulkes

Gabriel Lázaro- Muñoz, PH.D., J.D., M.B.E.

Preventing discrimination based on psychiatric risk biomarkers

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics

Rice University/University of Houston Law Center

Julika Kaplan, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

An investigation of the relationship between autonomy, childbirth practices, and obstetric fistula among women in rural Lilongwe District, Malawi

International Health and Human Rights

BCM Ethics Pathway

Ankita Patro, M.D.

Christi Guerrini, J.D., M.P.H.

The Patient Who Continues to Smoke On-Treatment: An Ethical Dilemma

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

BCM Ethics Pathway

Ang "Tony" Xu

Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Delay in State Adoption of Newborn Screening Tests


BCM Ethics Pathway

Danielle Clark, M.D.

Amy McGuire, J.D., Ph.D.

HEADS 4: Social Media Screening in Adolescent Primary Care


BCM Ethics Pathway

Kershena Liao, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

Factors Influencing Head and Neck Surgical Oncologists' Transition from Curative to Palliative Treatment Goals

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

BCM Ethics Pathway

Emily Statham

Amy McGuire, J.D., Ph.D.

Agents of empathy: How medical interpreters bridge sociocultural gaps in genomic sequencing disclosures with Spanish-speaking families

Personalized Medicine


Grace Johnson, M.D.

Janet Malek, Ph.D.

Should Providers Discuss Breastfeeding With Women Living With HIV in High-Income Countries? An Ethical Analysis

Clinical Infectious Diseases

BCM Ethics Pathway

Benjamin S. Farnia, M.D.

Mary Majumder, J.D., Ph.D.

Ethical analysis as a tool for addressing treatment controversies: radiotherapy timing in children with orbital rhabdomyosarcoma as a case example

Journal of the American College of Radiology

BCM Ethics Pathway

Thomas Carroll

Amy McGuire, J.D., Ph.D.

Participants and Study Decliners' Perspectives About the Risks of Participating in a Clinical Trial of Whole Genome Sequencing

Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics


Tiana Won, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

Paid protection? Ethics of incentivised long- acting reversible contraception in adolescents with alcohol and other drug use

BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics

BCM Ethics Pathway

Nico W. Cortes- Penfield, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

Mandatory influenza vaccination for health care workers as the new standard of care: a matter of patient safety and nonmaleficent practice

American Journal of Public Health


BCM Ethics Pathway

Elliott Richards, M.D.

Amy McGuire, J.D., Ph.D.

Pregnant patients' risk perception of prenatal test results with uncertain fetal clinical significance: ultrasound versus advanced genetic testing

Prenatal Diagnosis

BCM Ethics Pathway

Jennifer A. Braverman, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

Assessment of the sunk-cost effect in clinical decision- making

Social Science & Medicine

BCM Ethics Pathway

Aaron L. Cardon, M.D.

Jennifer Blumenthal- Barby, Ph.D.

Should Repugnance Give Us Pause? On the Neuroscience of Daily Moral Reasoning


BCM Ethics Pathway

Karmen Slabic Klanac, P.A.

Amy McGuire, J.D., Ph.D.


Journal of Physician Assistant Education

Baylor College of Medicine

Eric Lee-Kuo Chwang, M.D.

Richard Sharp, Ph.D.

Views regarding the training of ethics consultants: a survey of physicians caring for patients in ICU

Journal of Medical Ethics

BCM Ethics Pathway

April Y. Maa, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Medical education in the public versus the private setting: a qualitative study of medical students' attitudes

Medical Teacher

BCM Ethics Pathway

Mauricio A. Escobar, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Responsibly managing ethical challenges of residency training: a guide for surgery residents, educators, and residency program leaders

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

BCM Ethics Pathway

Misha F. Haque, M.D.

Baruch Brody, Ph.D.

The Prevalence of Female Genital Operations

The Journal of Texas Medicine

BCM Ethics Pathway

Wilbur A. Lam, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Influence of religious and spiritual values on the willingness of Chinese-Americans to donate organs for transplantation

Clinical Transplantation

BCM Ethics Pathway

Anna L. Grimes, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Informed consent and neuroanatomic correlates of intentionality and voluntariness among psychiatric patients

Psychiatric Services

BCM Ethics Pathway

Linda Workman, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Qualitative analysis of value judgments in interpreting cervicovaginal smears using the Bethesda system

Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

BCM Ethics Pathway

Sanjay J. Mathew, M.D.

Larry McCullough, Ph.D.

Attitudes toward neurosurgical procedures for Parkinson's disease and obsessive- compulsive disorder

The Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience

BCM Ethics Pathway