We are excited to offer up-to-date education and training virtually. Our faculty and collaborators research, teach and consult on ethics and policy topics across the Texas Medical Center. We know the issues we focus on impact individuals, hospitals, systems and communities and are eager to share our knowledge and know-how.
Target Audience
Healthcare professionals: We provide continuing medical education in medical ethics and/or professional responsibility credit. Our goal is that the skills and tools shared can be used in clinical practice and ultimately enhance patient care. Below are existing opportunities, with more coming soon. Note some of the offerings (designated as such) also provide Continuing Medical Education credit.
Our Videos
The following internet enduring activities are approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
These activities have been designated by Baylor College of Medicine for education credits in medical ethics and/or professional responsibility.
- Clinical Decision Making
- Confidentiality & Social Media
- Conflicts of Conscience and Implications for Physicians' Gatekeeping Authority
- Conflicts of Interest
- Effective Communication and Conflict Management
- Ethical Problem Solving
- Genetics
- Healthcare Economics
- Impaired Physicians
- Implicit Bias & Personal Views
- Lifelong Learning
- Meeting the Moment: Bioethics in the Time of Black Lives Matter
- Medical Decision Making
- Medical Errors
- Navigating End-of-Life
- Pediatrics Ethics
- Professionalism in Practice
- Research Ethics
- Social Determinants of Health and Cultural Competency
- Supporting Decision Making As Cognition Declines
More coming soon! If you have specific online learning needs, please reach out to us and let us know. Contact: bioethics@bcm.edu