Center for Space Medicine

TRISH Funding Opportunities and Awards


The Catalyst Grants Program

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TRISH Catalyst

** Funds are fully obligated. TRISH will continue to accept and screen any Step-1 proposals. We may invite Step-2 proposals but these proposals are at risk as a result of budget availability. ** 

TRISH is accepting Catalyst proposals. The Catalyst Program on the TRISH GRID submission site has transitioned from a single step, full proposal submission process to a two-step procedure with submission of a Step-1 proposal and if invited, a subsequent Step-2 proposal. This change enables proposers to submit a more simplified initial application due to fewer proposal requirements at the Step-1 stage and reduce the barrier toward proposing an idea.

The Catalyst Grants Program offers a streamlined method for carrying out proof-of-concept projects, directed technology development(s) for space health that address a critical need(s), maturation of promising concepts with strong preliminary findings, and innovative projects that present opportunities outside of regularly scheduled solicitation cycles. Proposers can apply for Catalyst Tier 1 or Tier 2 projects. Please note that TRISH is currently prioritizing Tier 1 and one-year projects.

The Catalyst Grants Program is a continuous open call for proposals.

Submit a Proposal

International Collaborations


As a federally funded institute, TRISH supports research projects led by investigators currently at U.S.-based institutions. However, to foster an environment for collaboration, TRISH encourages international investigators and organizations to connect by adding themselves to our Researchers Open to Collaboration document. There, you can find potential collaborators as well as add your name, institution and contact information for other potential collaborations with the wider space biomedical community. 

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