Steven Ludtke Lab

Ludtke Lab Projects


Support and Development of EMAN for Electron Microscopy Image Processing
5 R01 GM080139 (Ludtke) - Sept. 22, 2015 - Aug. 31, 2019
National Institutes of Health
$209,261 (2018)
Goal: This proposal is for development of the EMAN2 software system for CryoEM image analysis and single particle reconstruction. It has been used to solve a large fraction of the structures in the EMDatabank.

3D Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
7 P41 GM103832 (Chiu) - Feb. 17, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2019
National Institutes of Health
$60,000 (2018)
Goal: This is a P41 center for development of CryoEM technology. It funds various technology development projects and provides microscope access for collaborative projects. The center is now in transition from BCM to Stanford. Dr. Ludtke’s current effort is as listed, but it will be reduced over the coming year. Partial salary support for Dr. Ludtke is the only funding which will come from this grant moving forward.

The Center for HIV RNA Studies
2 U54 GM103297 (Telesnitsky) - Sept. 15, 2015 - Aug. 31, 2022
National Institutes of Health
$11,869 (2018)
Goal: The Ludtke lab component is to perform CryoEM image analysis of small RNA complexes. The overall grant focuses on a better understanding of the HIV genetic code and structure.