Sheryl O. Hughes Lab

Hughes Lab Publications


Strategies for Effective Eating Development – SEEDS

Hughes SO, Power TG, Beck AD, et al. Twelve-month efficacy of an obesity prevention program targeting Hispanic families with preschoolers from low-income backgrounds. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2021;53(8):677-690.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Beck A, Betz D, Goodell LS, Hopwood V, Jaramillo JA, Lanigan J, Martinez AD, Micheli N, Olivera Y, Overath I, Parker L, Ramos G, Thompson YP, Johnson SL. Short-term effects of an obesity prevention program among low-income Hispanic families with preschoolers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020;52(3):224-239.

Power TG, Johnson SL, Beck AD, Martinez AD, Hughes SO. The Food Parenting Inventory: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in a low-income, Latina sample. Appetite. 2019; 134:111-119.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Beck A, Betz D, Calodich S, Goodell LS, Hill LG, Hill R, Jaramillo JA, Johnson SL, Lanigan J, Lawrence A, Martinez AD, Nesbitt M, Overath I, Parker L, Ullrich-French S. Strategies for Effective Eating Development-SEEDS: Design of an obesity prevention program to promote healthy food preferences and eating self-regulation in children from low-income families. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2016. 48(6):405-418.e1.

Johnson SL, Goodell LS, Williams K, Power TG, Hughes SO. Getting my child to eat the right amount. Mothers’ considerations when deciding how much food to offer their child at a meal. Appetite. 2015; 88:24-32.

Food, Feeding, and Your Family - FFYF

Power TG, Baker SS, Barale KV, Aragon MC, Lanigan JD, Parker L, Silva Garcia K, Auld G, Micheli N, Hughes SO. Using mobile technology for family-based prevention in families with low incomes: Lessons from a randomized controlled trial of a childhood obesity prevention program. Prevention Science. Under Review.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Baker SS, Barale KV, Aragon C, Lanigan JD, Parker L, Silva Garcia K, Auld G, Johnston CA, Micheli N. Short-term efficacy of a childhood obesity prevention program designed to pair feeding content with nutrition education. Childhood Obesity. 2022;19(4):239-248.

Aragón MC, Auld G, Baker SS, Barale KV, Garcia KS, Micheli N, Parker L, Lanigan JD, Power TG, Hughes SO. Implementation science strategies promote fidelity in the Food, Feeding, and Your Family study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2021;53(12):1028-1037.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Baker SS, Barale KV, Lanigan JD, Parker L, Silva Garcia K, Aragon MC, Johnston CA, Micheli N. Pairing feeding content with a nutrition education curriculum: A comparison of online and in-class delivery. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020;52(3):314-325.


Power TG, Beck A, Silva Garcia K, et al. Low-income, Latina mothers’ scaffolding of preschooler’s behavior in a stressful situation and children’s self-regulation: A longitudinal study. Parenting: Science and Practice. 2022;22(2):161-187.

Power TG, Beck AD, Fisher JO, Micheli N, O’Connor TM, Hughes SO. Observations of maternal feeding practices and styles and young children’s weight status: A longitudinal study of Hispanic mothers with low incomes. Childhood Obesity. 2021;17(1):16-25.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Fisher JO, O’Connor TM, Micheli, N, Papaioannou MA. Maternal feeding style and child weight status among Hispanic families with low-income levels: A longitudinal study of the direction of effects. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2021;18(1):30.

Power TG, Hidalgo-Mendez J, Fisher JO, O’Connor TM, Micheli N, Hughes SO. Obesity risk in Hispanic children: Bidirectional associations between child eating behavior and child weight status over time. Eating Behaviors. 2020;36:101366.