Perceptual Neuroscience Lab

Participate in Yau Lab Research Studies


Participate in a study!


We are always looking for volunteers to participate in ongoing studies. To participate, please email us at:


Joining the lab


Postdoctoral researchers: Positions are based on availability and funding. Email Dr. Jeffrey Yau to inquire.

Graduate Students: The Yau Lab mentors students through the BCM’s Graduate Program in Neuroscience and the Graduate Program in Quantitative & Computational Biosciences. Email Dr. Jeffrey Yau if interested in a rotation in the lab.

Undergraduates: The Yau Lab is always looking for highly motivated undergraduates. Strong quantitative and/or computational backgrounds are highly desirable, but not required. Research assists will be expected to assist in ongoing projects or lead independent research projects. Attendance at lab meetings is highly recommended, schedule permitting. Research can be taken for credit (Rice PSYC/CSCI/NEUR/etc.). Students willing to commit to multiple semesters are desirable, but extended positions are not guaranteed and will be offered based on performance criteria. Please send a CV and a brief statement of research interests to Dr. Jeffrey Yau with “RA Position” in the subject line.


Yau Lab


Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Room T517
Houston, TX 77030