Anh M. Tran-Huynh, Graduate Student

My long-term research interests lie in translational research to elucidate targets for therapeutic intervention. Since arriving in the US as an international student from Vietnam, I have dedicated myself to building a firm foundation in biology and engaging in the research aspects of medicine. I began my first hands-on research experience in Dr. Katherine Berry’s laboratory at Mount Holyoke College, where I studied the molecular basis of RNA-protein interactions during my undergraduate education.
In the summer of 2019 at MD Anderson Cancer Center, I participated in the CPRIT CURE Program and worked with Dr. George Calin to investigate miRNA biology in sepsis-associated cancers. Both research experiences at Mount Holyoke College and MD Anderson Cancer Center really matured my philosophy of doing scientific research and exposed me to top advanced topics and technology in molecular cancer biology and immunology.
In 2020, I came to Baylor College of Medicine to pursue my graduate degree. Mentored by Dr. Meenakshi Anurag, my current thesis research focuses on DNA damage repair machinery in chemotherapy resistant breast cancers. As my project directly interrogates the underlying biology of individual patients with TNBC that responded poorly to standard-of-care treatment, I strive to translate findings from this investigation by collaborating with patient advocates and clinicians at the Breast Center within the Clinical Translational Research (CTR-CAQ) program to discover a biomarker to guide treatment selection for TNBC patients and open more promising targeted-therapy opportunities.
Sam Balakrishnan, Rice University, Summer Intern

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Bioengineering with a minor in Global Health Technologies at Rice University, expecting to graduate in May 2026. I am deeply excited about the interdisciplinary nature of biology, and using the intersection of fields such as informatics and biology to help others. In my free time, I love to read and find new places to eat!