Reporter Expression in CaMKII-tTA Transgenic Mice
Student Michael Yetman used a GFP reporter line to visualize transgene expression in CaMKII-tTA mice. Related Link: Wild-type neural progenitors divide and differentiate normally in an amyloid-rich environment, J. Neurosci. 2013
Active Protocols
APP (only for lines made with Prp-XhoI vector)
Cre and CreER (original and improved Cre and CreER, Nestin-CreER, DAT-Cre, POMC-Cre, CaMK2a-CreER and most other Cre constructs)GFP/YFP (Ai3 Cre reporter, TRE-GlyCl, and most other GFP/YFP constructs)
LacZ (tetO-TeTX-tau-lacZ, tetO-lacZ-tTAH100Y, tetO-lacZ-nls, and most other lacZ constructs)
MAPT (Prp-MAPTP301S line PS19)
mCherry (i.e., TRE-Kir-mCherry, LSL-R26-hM4Di and hM3Dq)
ROSA26-LSL-APP (Cre-inducible APP)
TTA + APP (CaMKIIα-TTA and most other TTA lines using original TTA sequence)
tTA (CaMKIIα-tTA and most other tTA lines using original tTA sequence)
tTA2 and mtTA (Nop-tTA, R26-LNL-tTA, and other lines using tTA2S sequence)