
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.

Jennette Moreno Lab

Moreno Lab Publications


Selected Publications


Goetz, A.R., Jindal, I., Moreno, J.P., Puyau, M.R., Adolph, A.L., Musaad, S., Butte, N.F., Bicha, F. (2022). The role of sleep and eating patterns in adiposity gain among preschool-aged children. Am J Clin Nutr. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqac197
Moreno, J.P., Dadabhoy, H. Musaad, S., Baranowski, T., Thompson, D., Alfano, C.A., Crowley, S.J. (2022). Evaluation of a circadian rhythm and sleep-focused mobile health intervention for the prevention of accelerated summer weight gain among elementary school–age children: Protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility study. JMIR Res Protoc. 11(5):e37002.
Moreno, J.P., Musaad, S., Dadabhoy, H., Baranowski, T., Crowley, S.J., Thompson, D., Johnston, C.A. (2022). Seasonality of children’s height and weight and their contribution to accelerated summer weight gain. Front Physiol. 13:793999.
Moreno, J.P., Hannay, K.M.,Walch, O., Dadabhoy, H., Christian, J., Puyau, M., El-Mubasher, A., Bacha, F.,Grant, S.R., Park,R.J., Cheng, P. (2022). Estimating circadian phase in elementary school children: Leveraging advances in physiologically-informed models of circadian entrainment and wearable devices. Sleep. 45(6):zsac061.

Preto, L.T., Scarpatto, C.H., Gaudie Ley, L.L., Silveira, C., Salerno, M.R., Moreno, J.P., de Jesus Castro, S.M., Booij, .L, Mattiello, R. (2022). Validation of the Family Health Behavior Scale for the Brazilian population. Jornal de Pediatria. 98(1):84-91.

Moreno JP, Razjouyan J, Lester H, Dadabhoy H, Amirmazaheri M, Reesor-Oyer L, O'Connor TM, Hernandez DC, Najafi B, Alfano CA, Crowley SJ, Thompson D, Baranowski T. Later sleep timing predicts accelerated summer weight gain among elementary school children: a prospective observational study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Jul 12;18(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01165-0. PMID: 34247639.

Moreno JP, Crowley SJ, Alfano CA, Thompson D. "Physiological mechanisms underlying children's circannual growth patterns and their contributions to the obesity epidemic in elementary school age children." Obes Rev. 2020 March; 21 (3): Pubmed PMID: 31737994

Moreno JP, Crowley SJ, Alfano CA, Hannay KM, Thompson D, Baranowski T. "Potential circadian and circannual rhythm contributions to the obesity epidemic in elementary school age children." Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2019 March 7; 16 (1): 25. Pubmed PMID: 30845969

Baranowski T, Motil KJ, Moreno JP. "Behavioral Research Agenda in a Multietiological Approach to Child Obesity Prevention." 2019 March 29;  Pubmed PMID: 30925082

Nicholson LM, Egbert AH, Moreno JP, Bohnert AM "Variability of Sleep and Relations to Body Weight Among First-Year College Students." Int J Behav Med. 2020 May 8; Pubmed PMID: 32385844

Moreno JP, Vézina-Im LA, Vaughan EM, Baranowski T. "Impact of child summertime obesity interventions on body mass index, and weight-related behaviours: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol." BMJ Open. 2017 October 22; 7 (10): Pubmed PMID: 29061614

Moreno JP, Johnston CA, Chen TA, O'Connor TA, Hughes SO, Baranowski J, Woehler D, Baranowski T. "Seasonal variability in weight change during elementary school." Obesity. 2015 23 (2): 422-428. Pubmed PMID: 25557689

Moreno JP, Johnston CA, Woehler D "Changes in weight over the school year and summer vacation: results of a 5-year longitudinal study." J Sch Health. 2013 July ; 83 (7): 473-7. Pubmed PMID: 23782089

Chen TA, Baranowski T, Moreno JP, O'Connor TM, Hughes SO, Baranowski J, Woehler D, Kimbro RT, Johnston CA. "Obesity status trajectory groups among elementary school children." BMC Public Health. 2016 July 7; 16 : 526. Pubmed PMID: 27387030

Chen TA, Baranowski T, Moreno JP, O'Connor TM, Hughes SO, Baranowski J, Woehler D, Kimbro RT, Johnston CA. "Obesity status transitions across the elementary years: use of Markov chain modelling." Pediatric obesity. 2016 11 (2): 88-94. Pubmed PMID: 25854860

Reesor L, Moreno JP, Johnston CA, Hernandez DC. "School-Based Weight Management Program Curbs Summer Weight Gain Among Low-Income Hispanic Middle School Students." J School Health. 2019 January ; 89 (1): 59-67. Pubmed PMID: 30506696

Lanzarote-Fernández MD, Lozano-Oyola JF, Gómez-de-Terreros-Guardiola M, Avilés-Carvajal I, Martínez-Cervantes RJ, Moreno JP. "Spanish Version of the Family Health Behavior Scale: Adaptation and Validation." Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 March 6; 16 (5)

Moreno JP, Kelley ML, Landry DN, Paasch V, Terlecki MA, Johnston CA, Foreyt JP "Development and validation of the Family Health Behavior Scale." Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011 June ; 6 (41307): e480-6. Pubmed PMID: 21615229