Darryl Hadsell Lab


About the Lab


The Hadsell Laboratory has historically been a bench science lab doing studies in mouse models on the actions of growth hormone, insulin, and insulin-like growth factors on mammary gland development and function in the lactating mouse. Our more recent work has shifted to studies aimed at understanding how maternal genomic factors that regulate milk production and composition. The work employs bench studies, but also high-throughput DNA sequencing, data science, and the implementation computational approaches to connecting complexity within the genome to biological outcomes within the mammary cells of lactating mice. Specific projects have focused on mammary ductal development, milk macronutrient composition, and most recently on the various fatty acids in milk and how the genome interacts with the maternal microbiome to bring about changes in these fatty acids.

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USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center


The Hirschi Lab is part of the USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center which houses laboratories, state-of-the-art equipment, a greenhouse, observation labs, research volunteer accommodations, a metabolic kitchen, and an elite group of research scientists.

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