
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.

Arun Sreekumar Lab

Sreekumar Lab Projects


Current Projects


CPRIT (Edwards) RP120092 Dec. 1, 2019 - Nov. 30, 2021
Tumor Metabolomics Core Facility
Goals: To establish a cancer metabolomics core facility at Baylor College of Medicine. To support

R21CA205257 (McGuire) April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2018
The role of mitochondrial heterogeneity in pyruvate flux in prostate cancer progression.
Goals: To understand the role of mitochondrial pyruvate transporters in prostate cancer progression.

GA-2014-136 (Dacso) May 27, 2014 - May 26, 2019
Goal: To develop methods to detect metabolites in biofluids with the longer term goal of applying this to studies in the International Space station.

1 U01 CA179674-01A1 (Sreekumar) Sept. 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2019
Delineating racially distinct metabolic pathways in triple negative breast cancer
Aim 1: Validate elevated levels of unsaturated fatty acids and lipids in AA TN BCa.
Aim 2: Functionally characterize the pathways leading to accumulation of 2-OHG and arachidonic acid in AA TN BCa using in vitro and in vivo models. Aim 3: Measure the serum levels of metabolites in tryptophan, unsaturated fatty acids (including arachidonic acid) and 2-HG pathway in AA TN BCa.

Agilent Mass Spectrometry (Sreekumar) Aug. 1, 2017 - July 31, 2022
Center for Excellence
Agilent Technologies
Goal: This grant funds the development of non-invasive metabolic markers in serum/plasma and urine for cancer detection and prognosis.

1 R01 CA184208-01A1 (Frigo) Jan. 27, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2019
NIH (Subcontract with University of Houston
Genetic and metabolic dissection of the camkk alpha signaling axis in prostate cancer
Goals: To study the metabolic pathways regulated by camkk alpha signaling axis in prostate cancer.
This grant was scored at 4th percentile and is awaiting funding after the council meeting.

RP150451 (Sreekumar) March 1, 2015 - Feb. 31, 2018
SRC-2 driven “metabolic switch” in metastatic prostate cancer- prognostic and therapeutic implications.
Goals: To define the metabolic alterations associated with SRC2 action in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer.

Metabolomics Initiative (Sreekumar) April 1, 2015 - March 19, 2019
Diana Helis Henry Medical Research Foundation
Goal: To establish a lipidomics facility for Cancer Research

1127430-RSG-15-105-01-CNE (Putluri) July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2019
American Cancer Society (ACS) Elucidating the Role of Xenobiotic Metabolism in Bladder Cancer Progression
Goals: Define stage specific profiles of key xenobiotic metabolites in bladder cancer, define the regulation and function of AOX1 in bladder cancer and develop a prognostic panel of urinary xenobiotic metabolites.

2 P30 CA125123-09 (Osborne) July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2020
NIH/NCI Baylor College of Medicine Cancer Center
Goals: The purpose of this shared resource is to provide investigators with cost effective, state-of-the-art instrumentation and specialized expertise for analysis of metabolomics with the goal to identify novel metabolic biomarkers and pathways with application in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Prostate Cancer Foundation (Jones and Sreekumar) Oct. 1, 2017 - Aug. 31, 2019
PCF Clinicopathological correlation & molecular signature identification & risk stratification of prostate cancer in African American U.S. Veterans, with & without exposure to battlefield chemicals.

1 R01 CA220297-01 (Putluri) June 5, 2017 - June 4, 2022
Racial disparity in bladder cancer and identification of altered metabolism in African American compare to European bladder cancer.


Completed Funding


5 U01 CA167234-03 (Sreekumar) Aug. 1, 2012 - July 31, 2017
NCI - $248,959
Metabolomic profiling and biologic basis of racial disparity in prostate cancer
Goals: definitively define and compare the PCa metabolome of AA and EA men and uncover the biological mechanism in an ancestry-verified subset of AA and EA prostate cancers. To functionally characterize the race-associated metabolic pathways and evaluate the pathway-associated metabolites in urine specimens from AA and EA men with prostate cancer.

W81XWH-12-1-0130 (Sreekumar) Sept. 1, 2012 - Aug. 31, 2015
DOD - $159,796/yr / $479,388 total project
Metabolomic profiling to distinguish racially distinct prognostic markers in prostate cancer
Goals: specifically address metabolic profiles associated with low/high Gleason grade prostate cancer in AA and EA men and to develop tissue microarray based enzymatic signatures for low or high risk prostate cancer.

W81XWH-12-1-0469 Aug. 8, 2014 - July 31, 2015
(Sreekumar: Site PI / OHSU Subcontract) $36,050 one year grant (NCE)
To quantify lipids in a randomized fish oil study in prostate cancer patients.
Goals: To use mass spectrometry to quantify lipids in prostate tissues from men enrolled in a randomized fish oil study.
Role: Co-Investigator in the application, Principal Investigator at BCM

1R01CA133458-01 (Sreekumar) April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2013
NIH - $250,000/yr (direct cost)
Integrative Metabolomics of Prostate Cancer Progression:
Role : Principal Investigator

602005 (Sreekumar) March 1, 2008 - July 31, 2011
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation - $60,000/yr (direct cost)
Proteomic Profiling of Multiple Myeloma Progression
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

RCA145444A (Michailidis and Sreekumar) Oct. 1, 2009 - Aug. 30, 2011
NIH/NCI - $ 133,054/yr (direct cost)
Integromics with application to prostate cancer progression
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

1 R03 CA139489-01 (Sreekumar) April 1, 2009 - May 31, 2011
NIH - $50,000/yr (direct cost)
Metabolomic Markers for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Role: Principal Investigator

KG110818 (Sreekumar) * Oct. 1, 2011 - Oct. 27, 2014
Susan Komen Foundation - $200,000/yr / $500,000 total project
Development of first-generation multiplex metabolomic biomarker panel in serum for diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer
Goals: The objective of this study is to define and validate the metabolic profiles in tissues and serum from various breast cancer patients. This data was used to develop the subsequent grant applications (including the current one) on breast cancer.

DK92883 metabolomics supplement (Goodell and Sreekumar) * Aug. 15, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2014
NIDDK - $63,898/yr / $100,000 (total direct)
Goals: This is a metabolomic supplement for the associated RO1 to extend the work to study of IDH1 and metabolic changes in Dnmt3a KO HSCs.
Role: Co-Investigator