Baylor College of Medicine

Body of Work: Trailer


iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | Stitcher | Length: 0:41 | Published: May 21, 2019


Body of Work: Trailer | Transcript


Genetic testing. The opioid epidemic. Vaccinations. People have more than a few opinions on these hot topics. But what sometimes gets drowned out in all the talk is an authentic, professional and scientific opinion.

That’s where we come in. I’m Erin Blair. Welcome to Body of Work, where experts from Baylor College of Medicine give you a small dose of the health issues on today’s front pages and scientific developments in their fields.

They’ve done their research, so you don’t have to.

Check back soon for episode one, where I talk with bioethicist Dr. Amy McGuire about genetic testing.


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This presentation is for educational and entertainment purposes only and reflect the opinions of the hosts. It is not intended as medical advice or individual treatment recommendations, and is not a substitute for health care professionals' clinical judgment. No physician-patient relationship is being created by the use of this presentation. To the extent this presentation provides commentary on current laws and regulations affecting health care activities, it is not intended as legal advice.


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